US eager to see Gulf dispute resolved – Pompeo

United States President Donald Trump’s administration wants to “find a solution to the Gulf rift” and “close the door to increased Iranian meddling,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated on Monday.

“The Trump administration is eager to see this dispute resolved and to reopen Qatar’s air and land borders currently blocked by other Gulf states. I look forward to progress on this issue,” Pompeo said during a meeting with Qatari officials.

The dispute started in 2017, when thirteen states led by Saudi Arabia banned Qatar-registered airplanes and ships from utilizing their airspace and sea routes. In addition, Riyadh blocked Qatar’s only land crossing. The countries demand, among other things, that Qatar closes its news organization Al-Jazeera, shut down the Turkish military base inside its territory, and reduce diplomatic relations with Iran.

Breaking the News / MD

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