French fishermen facing uncertainty after Brexit

Frederic Cuvillier, mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer where a large French fishing port is located, commented on Friday about the recently reached post-Brexit trade agreement, saying that the deal has left many uncertainties for French fishermen.

“Relief for our fishermen, but what will be the impact on stocks? Who, for example, will be handling the controls? And over what time?” Cuvillier said in an interview with Europe 1 radio, adding that “the only certainty today is that we need to find, during the transition period, more deals within the deal.”

London and Brussels yesterday reached the long-awaited Brexit deal just a few days ahead of the end of the transition period. Under the contract, the transition on the fisheries issue has been extended by an additional five and a half years. British fishermen previously also shared their concerns regarding the solution.

Breaking the News / ND

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