Netflix: Q4 revenue grows 21.5% YoY to $6.7 billion

Netflix Inc. announced on Tuesday that its revenue stood at $6.7 billion in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020, representing an increase of 21.5% compared to the same period a year ago.

Operating income amounted to $954 million in the fourth three month period, marking a 108% surge from the same trimester last year. The company’s net income stood at $542 million, down 8% compared to the fourth quarter of 2019. The diluted earnings per share decreased by 8.5% to $1.19.

At the same time, the number of global streaming paid memberships jumped by 8.51 million, or 21.9% on a yearly basis in the fourth quarter, reaching 203.66 million in total.

Breaking the News / MS

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