Moderna’s COVID vaccine 90% effective after 6 months

In a statement on Tuesday, Moderna Inc. said that new data from its clinical trial showed that its COVID-19 vaccine has an efficacy greater than 90% six months from receiving the second dose. Additionally, it has a 95% efficacy against severe cases of the disease.

The company also gave an update on its efforts with the COVID-variant booster vaccines, with CEO of Moderna Stephane Bancel saying: “The new preclinical data on our variant-specific vaccine candidates give us confidence that we can proactively address emerging variants. Moderna will make as many updates to our COVID-19 vaccine as necessary until the pandemic is under control.”

Earlier this month, an article came out in the New England Journal of Medicine stating that there was a high antibody count present after six months of getting the Moderna vaccine. Moderna also released data today that suggests its vaccines have no association with the formation of blood clots, something that Chief Medical Advisor to the United States President, Dr. Anthony Fauci, confirmed.

Breaking the News / OL

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