Australian minister cancels Novak Djokovic’s visa

Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke canceled on Friday Novak Djokovic’s visa ahead of the Australian Open, which starts on Monday. The Serbian tennis star previously won the right to stay in the country on appeal, after a standoff with Australian authorities over his COVID-19 travel exemption.

“Today I exercised my power under section 133C(3) of the Migration Act to cancel the visa held by Mr. Novak Djokovic on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so,” Hawke said. “In making this decision, I carefully considered information provided to me by the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Border Force and Mr. Djokovic.” The athlete’s lawyers indicated they will appeal the decision, which could see Djokovic barred from traveling to Australia for three years.

Baha Breaking the News (BBN) / DJ

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