China’s Hubei adds 5 virus cases, highest in month

China’s National Health Commission (NHC) confirmed on Monday the country’s Hubei province saw the highest number of daily COVID-19 infections in a month with 5 new provincial cases registered during the past day. Hubei is home to Wuhan, the city where the outbreak started.

Additionally, the commission said, 17 new infections were recorded on the mainland in the twenty-four hours since the last update, which takes the nation’s total to 82,918. Of the cases registered during the day, 10 were domestically transmitted, while the remaining 7 were imported from abroad.

In the meantime, 24 patients were released from care, after making a full recovery, which took China’s total number of recoveries to 78,144. On the other hand, with no new fatalities confirmed, the nationwide coronavirus death toll remains at 4,633.

Breaking the News / NL

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