Entertainment, tech giants form climate coalition

Major entertainment and technology companies, including Amazon, Disney, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix, formally launched on Thursday an association to help combat climate change.

The coalition will be called the Business Alliance to Scale Climate Solutions (BASCS), and will also include bodies from the United Nations that are dealing with climate issues. Furthermore, the purpose of the association to be a knowledge-sharing network to ease companies reaching their climate goals, such as carbon emission reduction, and includes “sharing best practices, funding opportunities, and research and insights to scale and improve climate solutions.”

Aron Cramer, President of BSR, which will serve as the Secretariat of BASCS, commented on the initiative saying: “In this Decisive Decade, we need urgent climate action to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and achieve an inclusive net-zero economy. We believe collaborations such as BASCS are key to transforming climate ambition into meaningful action and scaling impact.”

Breaking the News / OL

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