Pfizer to deliver 10% more COVID vaccines in May than agreed

Pfizer Inc. CEO Albert Bourla said on Wednesday that the company will be able to deliver 10% more COVID-19 vaccine doses in May than previously agreed, bringing the total number of vaccines delivered that month to the United States to 220 million.

In a statement on Twitter, Bourla also said that the negotiated 300 million supply will be delivered to the US a full two weeks early. This would mean that the vaccines would arrive sometime in mid-July. Commenting on the increase, Bourla said that “Pfizer has ramped up our production.”

The Pfizer/BioNTech is one of two main vaccines that are currently being used in the country, the second one being the one from Moderna Inc. The increase in delivery comes on the heels of the announcement that the US has paused the rollout of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine over blood clot concerns and that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine showed no signs on that front.

Breaking the News / OL

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