Pompeo condemns China national security law proposal

Washington condemns China’s national security law proposal, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pictured) said in a statement on Friday, asserting the implementation of such legislation would be a “death knell for the high degree of autonomy Beijing promised for Hong Kong.”

“The United States strongly urges Beijing to reconsider its disastrous proposal, abide by its international obligations, and respect Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, democratic institutions, and civil liberties, which are key to preserving its special status under US law. Any decision impinging on Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms as guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law would inevitably impact our assessment of One Country, Two Systems and the status of the territory,” Pompeo stated.

Earlier today, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam claimed the law would not affect the city’s judicial independence.

Breaking the News / MD

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