Unilever posts turnover of €12.4B in Q1

Unilever plc announced on Thursday that its turnover in the first quarter of 2020 amounted to €12.4 billion, marking a 0.2% increase from the same period a year ago. Underlying sales in the January-to-March period stood were flat.

The British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company added that its quarterly dividend payable in June remained at €0.4104 per share.

CEO Alan Jope noted the company took measures to suport its stakeholders and maintain operations amid the coronavirus crisis. “We have been able to maintain the supplyof product and we are keepingour factories runningthrough the many unpredictablechallenges in local operating environmentsacross our value chain. We are alsoopeningup new capacity where it is most needed, such as in hand hygiene and food,” he added.

Breaking the News / NP

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