US stocks recover slightly in premarket from tech-led selloff

Equities on Wall Street were higher in the premarket trade on Friday following yesterday’s losses which have been mostly led by the drop of tech companies’ stocks. United States President Joe Biden said yesterday that his goal of having 100 million vaccines administered in the country in his first 100 days in office will be met tomorrow, after only 58 days. According to the latest data provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 116 million shots have been administered in total.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index climbed 0.25%, the Nasdaq 100 was 0.80% up and the S&P 500 grew by 0.43% at 4:45 am ET.

The euro was 0.09% higher compared to the US dollar, selling for 1.19265 at 4:45 am ET.

Breaking the News / MS

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