WH: Strong support among Dems for BBBA

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted during her latest press conference on Tuesday that there is “strong support,” “strong passion” and “a lot of advocacy” for President Joe Biden’s proposed Build Back Better Act (BBBA).

Commenting on Senator from West Virginia Joe Manchin’s remarks that the aforementioned plan is “dead,” Psaki said that “we’re not gonna get into private conversations we have with Senator Manchin or with any other senator about this piece of legislation.” Moreover, she stressed that “a lot of members” of the Democratic Party’s caucus in the Senate are still “having conversations” about the act.

Earlier in the day, Senator Manchin, who has been opposing the bill ever since its official unveiling, labeled it “dead” and called for a completely new proposal to be made.

Baha Breaking the News (BBN) / JR

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